namespace Sabre\QueueCount\Structs;
use \WsdlToPhp\PackageBase\AbstractStructBase;
* This class stands for StatusResponse Structs
* @subpackage Structs
class StatusResponse extends AbstractStructBase
* The messageStatus
* Meta informations extracted from the WSDL
* - use: required
* @var string
public $messageStatus;
* The RefToMessageId
* Meta informations extracted from the WSDL
* - ref: tns:RefToMessageId
* - minLength: 1
* @var string
public $RefToMessageId;
* The Timestamp
* Meta informations extracted from the WSDL
* - minOccurs: 0
* - ref: tns:Timestamp
* @var string
public $Timestamp;
* The any
* @var \DOMDocument
public $any;
* The id
* @var string
public $id;
* The version
* Meta informations extracted from the WSDL
* - minLength: 1
* @var string
public $version;
* Constructor method for StatusResponse
* @uses StatusResponse::setMessageStatus()
* @uses StatusResponse::setRefToMessageId()
* @uses StatusResponse::setTimestamp()
* @uses StatusResponse::setAny()
* @uses StatusResponse::setId()
* @uses StatusResponse::setVersion()
* @param string $messageStatus
* @param string $refToMessageId
* @param string $timestamp
* @param \DOMDocument $any
* @param string $id
* @param string $version
public function __construct($messageStatus = null, $refToMessageId = null, $timestamp = null, \DOMDocument $any = null, $id = null, $version = null)
* Get messageStatus value
* @return string
public function getMessageStatus()
return $this->messageStatus;
* Set messageStatus value
* @uses \Sabre\QueueCount\Enums\MessageStatus_type::valueIsValid()
* @uses \Sabre\QueueCount\Enums\MessageStatus_type::getValidValues()
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @param string $messageStatus
* @return \Sabre\QueueCount\Structs\StatusResponse
public function setMessageStatus($messageStatus = null)
// validation for constraint: enumeration
if (!\Sabre\QueueCount\Enums\MessageStatus_type::valueIsValid($messageStatus)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Value "%s" is invalid, please use one of: %s', $messageStatus, implode(', ', \Sabre\QueueCount\Enums\MessageStatus_type::getValidValues())), __LINE__);
$this->messageStatus = $messageStatus;
return $this;
* Get RefToMessageId value
* @return string|null
public function getRefToMessageId()
return $this->RefToMessageId;
* Set RefToMessageId value
* @param string $refToMessageId
* @return \Sabre\QueueCount\Structs\StatusResponse
public function setRefToMessageId($refToMessageId = null)
// validation for constraint: minLength
if ((is_scalar($refToMessageId) && strlen($refToMessageId) < 1) || (is_array($refToMessageId) && count($refToMessageId) < 1)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid length, please provide an array with 1 element(s) or a scalar of 1 character(s) at least', __LINE__);
// validation for constraint: string
if (!is_null($refToMessageId) && !is_string($refToMessageId)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid value, please provide a string, "%s" given', gettype($refToMessageId)), __LINE__);
$this->RefToMessageId = $refToMessageId;
return $this;
* Get Timestamp value
* @return string|null
public function getTimestamp()
return $this->Timestamp;
* Set Timestamp value
* @param string $timestamp
* @return \Sabre\QueueCount\Structs\StatusResponse
public function setTimestamp($timestamp = null)
// validation for constraint: string
if (!is_null($timestamp) && !is_string($timestamp)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid value, please provide a string, "%s" given', gettype($timestamp)), __LINE__);
$this->Timestamp = $timestamp;
return $this;
* Get any value
* @uses \DOMDocument::loadXML()
* @uses \DOMDocument::hasChildNodes()
* @uses \DOMDocument::saveXML()
* @uses \DOMNode::item()
* @uses \Sabre\QueueCount\Structs\StatusResponse::setAny()
* @param bool $asString true: returns XML string, false: returns \DOMDocument
* @return \DOMDocument|null
public function getAny($asString = true)
if (!empty($this->any) && !($this->any instanceof \DOMDocument)) {
$dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$dom->formatOutput = true;
if ($dom->loadXML($this->any)) {
return ($asString && ($this->any instanceof \DOMDocument) && $this->any->hasChildNodes()) ? $this->any->saveXML($this->any->childNodes->item(0)) : $this->any;
* Set any value
* @param \DOMDocument $any
* @return \Sabre\QueueCount\Structs\StatusResponse
public function setAny(\DOMDocument $any = null)
$this->any = $any;
return $this;
* Get id value
* @return string|null
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Set id value
* @param string $id
* @return \Sabre\QueueCount\Structs\StatusResponse
public function setId($id = null)
// validation for constraint: string
if (!is_null($id) && !is_string($id)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid value, please provide a string, "%s" given', gettype($id)), __LINE__);
$this->id = $id;
return $this;
* Get version value
* @return string|null
public function getVersion()
return $this->version;
* Set version value
* @param string $version
* @return \Sabre\QueueCount\Structs\StatusResponse
public function setVersion($version = null)
// validation for constraint: minLength
if ((is_scalar($version) && strlen($version) < 1) || (is_array($version) && count($version) < 1)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid length, please provide an array with 1 element(s) or a scalar of 1 character(s) at least', __LINE__);
// validation for constraint: string
if (!is_null($version) && !is_string($version)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid value, please provide a string, "%s" given', gettype($version)), __LINE__);
$this->version = $version;
return $this;
* Method called when an object has been exported with var_export() functions
* It allows to return an object instantiated with the values
* @see AbstractStructBase::__set_state()
* @uses AbstractStructBase::__set_state()
* @param array $array the exported values
* @return \Sabre\QueueCount\Structs\StatusResponse
public static function __set_state(array $array)
return parent::__set_state($array);
* Method returning the class name
* @return string __CLASS__
public function __toString()
return __CLASS__;
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