# UPGRADE FROM 1.0 to 2.0 The main change is that the property `$soapClient` in the abstract class `AbstractSoapClientBase` is no more static. **Previously**: ```php class MyService extends AbstractSoapClientBase { public function CreateQueue(\Api\StructType\ApiCreateQueue $body) { try { $this->setResult(self::getSoapClient()->CreateQueue($body)); return $this->getResult(); } catch (\SoapFault $soapFault) { $this->saveLastError(__METHOD__, $soapFault); return false; } } } ``` `self::getSoapClient()` was used to access the SoapClient instance. **Now**: ```php class MyService extends AbstractSoapClientBase { public function CreateQueue(\Api\StructType\ApiCreateQueue $body) { try { $this->setResult($this->getSoapClient()->CreateQueue($body)); return $this->getResult(); } catch (\SoapFault $soapFault) { $this->saveLastError(__METHOD__, $soapFault); return false; } } } ``` `$this->getSoapClient()` is now used to access the SoapClient instance.